Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meditation Tips

1) Set aside "Official" time each day to be still (2x per day if you can!)

2) Stretch - this begins the 'going inward' process and brings your attention to the body

3) Focus on the breath - as this aids in centering you and relaxing you for meditation

4) Be purposeful - focus your attention on a single thing.

5) Be aware of how you are feeling. If you start to feel frustrated, release that frustration, focus on your breathing and gently turn your attention back to your item or topic you started out to focus on.

6) Try out different meditation methods - no 'one way' is right for everyone. Experiment and see what ways work for you...try lying down, sitting in a chair, sitting on the floor, with music, without music, try different kinds of music, guided meditations...mantra, breath work etc.

7) As your mind get quiet, focus on your toes - then slowly move up your body. Be aware of how each part of your body feels in that moment.

8) Create a meditation space. Even if you only have room in a corner - make it special with candles and anything else that helps you to feel calm.

9) Read a book (or several!) on mediation. See what your local library has if you don't want to buy the books before you know if they will help you. Take your time reading them.

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