Friday, November 2, 2012

Yogasya pratamam dwaram vaang nirodha:

"Yogasya pratamam dwaram vaang nirodha:"
The royal entrance to the kingdom of Yoga is to stop words. Says Aadi Sankara Bhagawat Paadaar in Viveka Chudamani, Sloka 367

Our mind is all the time in a churn because of endless thoughts that, the pearl of the inner self is never seen. True Mounam is to stop the endless emanation of thought waves in the mind.

If we are all the time stirring and disturbing the ocean floor, we will never be able to locate the pearl lying there.

യോഗസ്യ പ്രഥമം ദ്വാരം  വാങ്ങ് നിരോധ:

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful verse this generation is missing all our treasures which rishis had experienced wish the old days should come and Let people enjoy the bliss
