Tuesday, December 25, 2012

ॐॐॐ Pure Silence~ Mooji ॐॐॐ

There is a stillness in you no heavenly or earthly being can remove. In front of it, the mind is performing and somehow attention goes there. Behind is pure Silence - your real Being. All this is your dynamic dance. As you stay rooted in impersonal seeing, the inner and outer are revealed as One. Knowing this, you will not suffer existence.

~ Mooji ~

Go beyond any image of yourself. You are that space of awareness, within each appearance comes and goes. None can stay.

~ Mooji

There is an empty room,
come fully inside.
There are no stories here.
There is no past or future here.
No relatives.
No names, no forms, time, no self.
Don't be in your head now.
Listen from another place; a holy place deep inside your being.
All the things you once talked about are outside now.
This is a room without walls. No door.
Nothing lives here.
It is not a dead space.
It's your true place and Being.
The mind will try to say something like:
‘You cannot stay here,’ or ‘There is nothing here for you,’
but this voice is also phenomenal, while you are not.
Therefore, touch nothing.
Pay attention only to your unmixed self now,
not the personal sense of self.
Personality is only a garment worn by the Self
for a duration called a lifetime.
The body also is just a garment worn for the time being.
Rare is a human being who comes to this place
which cannot be divided;
that cannot die,
where one is naturally happy,
where there are no beginnings or ends.
It is the most pure—immaculate.
From here ego and world arises as fleeting images,
but the Real does not arise.
It permeates all yet nothing permeates it.
Leave everything.
Be here.

~ Mooji

You are the Fact, Mind is the Fiction

— Mooji

Everything you see, comes to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are heard, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are touched, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are tasted, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things that are thought of, come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
All things, which are imagined, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are learned, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All that is manifest comes to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things of the mind come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
That which does not come to pass, but inside which all phenomena come to pass,
know That - to be yourSelf.

~ Mooji

Be as though you don't exist.
Let the bodily functions unfold, let thoughts come and go but don’t follow them. Be only the awareness.
Something is unplugged, but you are still fully here. Senses are functioning normally. This was never the trouble.
The mind rises up as resistances and doubts but they are mere thoughts.
Mind in its psychological aspect can come full power, but you are not to be a traffic policeman inside your own head.
Can the mind pull Awareness out of itself and turn into a person? Can it do that?
With some rare beings it will not have this power. Why?
Because they remain rooted in and as awareness and so don’t exchange their stillness for panic.
And it is not something you can practice to do; it all happens spontaneously through understanding your true nature and by being one with that.
Here you cannot pretend to be free and get away with it, so don’t try.
Forget about it. If you insist in hiding behind the shallow façade of personality I would rather be at home watching Tv, than staying here trying to change your thinking, because it’s not going to work. There must be a deep openness or yearning for truth.
Strive to understand your true nature, your highest position.
You are the silence, the unchanging ground of all appearances.
When you come to realize this, all this chaos is going to come to an end.

~ Mooji

"Don't try strenuously to figure things out. Pay attention instead to that space - like being, which is beyond time and change, but in who's presence such phenomena are perceived. Devote as much attention to staying conscious of the Self until it becomes effortless for you ...Om."

~ Mooji

The natural state of mind is to be silent, empty, open... it exists without intention! If you think you need to practice silence, find silence, keep silence, then you have misunderstood. All this... the Universe, is happening in Silence! It is not about running to find some silence. It is to recognize the Silence which cannot be disturbed wherever you find yourself, what ever the circumstances, however loud the noise reactions of any nature do not exist, it is not a behavior or an enforcement. You and the Silence are the same.

~ ॐ Mooji ~

If you make human company too important you will not discover your true Self. Relationships not based in truth are never entirely reliable and are rarely enduring.
Taking time to discover yourself is the best use of time. Prioritise this.
One should not excessively seek partners or friends, one should seek to know and be oneself. As you begin to awaken to the Truth, you start noticing how well life flows by itself and how well you are cared for. Life supports the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the one who is open to self-discovery. Trust opens your eyes to the recognition of this. Surrender allows you to merge in your own Eternal Being.
~ Mooji

Do not seek for friendship
or acceptance from this world.
Have the courage to stand alone.
What support does
the Indivisible require?
Say deep inside your Heart:
"I am the Unborn, the deathless,
the Supreme Awareness Self.
I am Shiva-Being."

~ Mooji

I would not encourage anybody to try to study life, because you can never get it. No one can even begin to comprehend a moment of its magnificence, its mystery, its sheer glory.
You have to fall fully in Love with the very heart of existence and then its essence is miraculously revealed to you somehow – a kind of an intuitive knowing happens out of this love.
But to study life doesn’t work, because your attitude and even you, the student, is phenomenal.
You have to first fall inside yourself until there is no longer ‘you’ and ‘life’—there is only Life. There is no ‘person’ living life. There is just Life expressing itself in, as and through this form called a person, watched simultaneously in pure consciousness.
How funny that the simplest of teachings seems to be the most difficult. This is like a circus of concepts. We fight, creating devils out of nowhere, in order to defend our identity—sheer ignorance.

Now I’ve said it and now I want to see it alive in you. I want to see it germinate inside your heart. It must flower, bear fruit and give shade. That’s it.

~ Mooji  Rishikesh, 18th of February 2013

You cannot control or suppress the mind
and transcend it.
The greatest thing that will happen is
that the mind becomes insignificant for you.

When you are aware
that mind only is concepts,
thought, memory, imagination,
and that it can not exist independent
of your perceiving of it,
when you begin to recognice this to know
awareness independent of thought activity,
and keep the attention in awareness,
the thought activity becomes very weak.

When you are aware of the power of awareness itself,
the effortlessness of awareness,
when you have transcended the influence of concepts,
when that attraction is not so strong for you,
then the mind will subside.

This is totally possible... and natural also.
It is you who think the mind is such a big problem.
It's your thinking that mind is a problem
that makes the mind-problem,
...or that its voice is so important.

Because you are attached to your own self image,
the only thing that the mind can attack.
If you are present as much you are able to be here,
you may just come to that complete seeing.
Don't respect so much the mind's resistance.
Mind must resist.
As much as you must transcend.

~ Mooji
Why do you require so much before you will allow yourself to simply rest as Being. Discard this checklist for enlightenment. It is only the mind's concoction to cheat you out of the peace you already are.
~ Mooji

Be aware now of that effortless silence and space.
You don’t know if it is inside or outside.
There is no edge, no boundary for your being.
Confirm that.
In this instant, in this moment,
observe that your being is not in a state of waiting.
The pure Self is not an event. If there is an event,
it is the even of recognizing this ever-present fact.
That already IS.
Do not purchase the futuristic promises from the mind.
Once you have said 'Yes' inside your heart,
the whole universe supports your seeing,
because it is natural.
Don't try strenuously to figure things out.
Pay attention instead to that space - like being,
which is beyond time and change,
but in who's presence such phenomena are perceived.
Devote as much attention to staying conscious of the Self until it becomes effortless for you.

~ Mooji  Rishikesh, 17th of February 2013

It takes a lot of energy to be a person because it's not our truth. It takes no energy to be yourself.
~ Mooji

If you are a person this world will seem full of persons. When you are the being you will not feel bound. You will know every being, look in the eyes of every being, and you know, you will recognize yourself. These things are not poetry. They are simple truths. You will experience them. In your heart they will be confirmed.
~ Mooji

Attention is the most powerful tool you have.
When attention goes to an object, it is called inattention.
When attention pays attention to attention, that is attention.
And than there is only stillness.
~ Mooji

You are total unicity beyond duality. That you are. You are so one with yourself that you cannot perceive yourself. You can only imagine that you are other than that. It is like a knife that can cut so many vegetables but cannot cut itself because it is one with itself, or the scale which can weigh so many objects but cannot weigh itself. It is the same with the one supreme Self - the sole Reality, being ever One with itself, it cannot perceive that which it Is; it can only perceive what it is not.
~ Mooji

Mind is not your enemy. It is just a play of your own energy.
~ Mooji

Even in the fullness of awakening the fragrance of conditioning may still arise, but it will not cause trouble once you are sure of your true position as immutable and unaffected awareness.
~ Mooji

Go beyond any image of yourself. You are that space of awareness, within each appearance comes and goes. None can stay.
~ Mooji

Beyond the mind, meaning right here, there is no effort. Where there is no effort, that alone is called natural.
~ Mooji

Let everything happen but there is no need to identify so strong with it. Even while resting in the space "I am", in that perfect place, anger may arise when something happen. But you know what? In the next minute you kind of forget it because it is nothing. It expresses itself, because it is just to be expressed. Then also it comes back into quietude very quickly. But you know a sort of like unexpressed anger then becomes routine anger, and routine anger is very unpleasant thing. That's why I say, "Don't try to be so good, more be true."
~ Mooji

Find the "presence", not the "present"! The presence is timeless. The present is time bound. The present is fluid, is memory, is mind, is an idea. People say, "the past is unreal, the future is unreal, only the present, only here & now...", but the "here & now" is also unreal, is also an idea. Because you have touched it with your mind. So it becomes a bit dirty. Only seeing it from the timeless then everything is good. Your Being is timeless.
~ Mooji

There is a stillness in you no heavenly or earthly being can remove. In front of it, the mind is performing and somehow attention goes there. Behind is pure Silence - your real Being. All this is your dynamic dance. As you stay rooted in impersonal seeing, the inner and outer are revealed as One. Knowing this, you will not suffer existence.
~ Mooji

In each one there is the potential for a life
that flows from the center of your Being.
I call this 'The River of Light'.
It is flowing unassisted,
it doesn't need somebody to be pushing.
Don't be pushing the river!

~ Mooji
What can stand in the way of the infinite? It's just an idea. Something stands in the way if you're going somewhere. If you're still, what's in your way? All paths are going somewhere, and generally, they're not going 'here'. There's no path to here! There's only a recognition!
~ Mooji

Mind is not sentient.
There is not something like a mind
making decisions to attack you.
Mind is like the moon and
the Self is like the sun.
The real light is arising from the Self
and the moonlight,
though it appears different,
is the reflection of the sun.
The mind doesn't have light.
It is arising out of the
Power of the Self.
~ Mooji

The things around don't make it stressful.
The things around when they're picked up
and followed, that creates some destruction.
Things in themselves can not destruct.
Nothing in the world exists as a destruction.
Just you get destructed. This is different.
Nothing destructs, you get destructed,
because you have interest in something
then you supply energy into it.
~ Mooji

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