Saturday, March 2, 2013

Osho Talks

My sannyasins celebrate everything. Celebration is the foundation of my sannyas — not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties, all the joys, all that life offers, because this whole life is a gift of God.


When you don't want to become anybody,
when you simply accept whosoever you are,
when you drop all goals,
all future orientations, all ends -
you drop time, you drop desire, you drop mind -
then suddenly you are here and
the whole universe is available...
this great energy surrounding you,
dancing around you,
inviting you to participate with it.

~ Osho

It is simply foolish to waste even a single moment thinking about the past because in thinking about it again you are wasting present.

 It is the miserable man who plans for the future, because his present is so miserable that he wants to avoid it, he does not want to see it.

Love is nothing but sharing your joy-but you have to find your center of being.

Live in the moment unburdened of the past, flow in the moment unblocked by the mind, and you will be in meditation.

The present gives you the opportunity to dive deep into the water of life, or to fly high into the sky of life. But on both the sides there are dangers — ’past’ and ´future´ are the most dangerous words in human language.


Bliss happens in solitude, it is not a question of relationship at all. It happens when you are absolutely alone, rejoicing in your alone-ness.
Each relationship is only an experimentation to prepare you for the ultimate relationship, for the ultimate love affair with existence.


Love is a spiritual experience—nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being. But you have not even entered into your own temple. You don’t know at all who you are, and you are trying to find out how to love better. First, be thyself; know thyself and love will come as reward.

Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature.


Buddha says the greatest joy in life is freedom: freedom from all prejudices, freedom from all scriptures, freedom from all concepts and ideologies, freedom from all desires, freedom from all possessiveness and jealousy, freedom from all hatred, anger, rage, lust... in short, freedom from everything, so that you are just a pure consciousness, unbounded, unlimited. That is the greatest joy, and it is possible -- it is within everybody's grasp. You just have to grope for it a little. The groping will be in the dark, but it is not far away. If you try, if you make an effort, you are bound to find it. It is your birthright.


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