Friday, March 15, 2013

Meditations from Osho

Golden Light Meditation - Osho 

Osho, while speaking on the Secret of the Golden Flower,
has given us this wonderful and powerful meditation:

The process is:
At least twice a day -- the best times are early in the morning,
just before you get out of your bed. 
The moment you feel you are alert, awake, do it for twenty minutes. 
Do it first thing in the morning! -- don't get out of the bed. 
Do it there, then and there, immediately! -- 
because when you are coming out of sleep you are very very delicate, receptive. 
When you are coming out of sleep you are very fresh, and the impact will go very deep.
When you are just coming out of your sleep you are less in the mind than ever.
Hence some gaps are there through which the method will penetrate into your innermost core.
And early in the morning,
when you are awakening, 
and when the whole earth is awakening,
there is a great tide of awakening energy all over the world.
Use that tide; don't miss that opportunity.

All ancient religions used to pray early in the morning when the sun rose,
because the rising of the sun is the rising of all the energies in existence.
In that moment you can simply ride on the rising energy wave; it will be easier.
By the evening it will be difficult, energies will be falling back;
then you will be fighting against the current.
In the morning you will be going with the current.

So the best time to begin is in the early morning, 
immediately, just when you are half-asleep, half-awake. 

And the process is so simple. 
It needs no posture, no yogasana, no bath is needed, nothing.
You simply lie down, as you are lying down in your bed, on your back.
Keep your eyes closed.

When you breathe in, just visualize great light entering from your head into your body,
as if a sun has risen just close to your head -- golden light pouring into your head.
You are just hollow and the golden light is pouring into your head,
and going, going, going, deep, deep, and going out through your toes. 
When you breathe in, do it with this visualization.

And when you breathe out, visualize another thing: 
darkness entering through your toes, a great dark river entering through your toes,
coming up, and going out through the head. 
Do slow, deep breathing so you can visualize. 
Go very slowly.
And just out of sleep you can have very deep and slow breaths because the body is rested, relaxed.

Let me repeat: breathing in, let golden light come into you through your head, 
because it is there that the Golden Flower is waiting.
That golden light will help.
It will cleanse your whole body and will make it absolutely full of creativity.
This is male energy.
Then when you exhale, let darkness, the darkest you can conceive,
like a dark night, river-like, come from your toes upwards -- this is feminine energy:
it will soothe you, it will make you receptive, it will calm you,
it will give you rest -- and let it go out of the head.
Then inhale again, and golden light enters in.
Do it for twenty minutes early in the morning.

And then the second best time is when you are going back to sleep, in the night.
Lie down on the bed, relax for a few minutes.
When you start feeling that now you are wavering between sleep and waking,
just in that middle, start the process again, and continue for twenty minutes. 
If you fall asleep doing it, it is the best, 
because the impact will remain in the superconscious and will go on working.

And after a three-month period you will be surprised: 
the energy that was constantly gathering at the MULADHAR, 
at the lowest, the sex center, is no more gathering there. 
It is going upwards.

Just the other day somebody had asked a question. 
He said that he has seen the most beautiful women around here
that he has ever seen anywhere else, 
but they are non-erotic.
Why is it so? It is so, his observation is right. 
If you meditate deeply you will become non-erotic. 
You will have a different kind of beauty, but it will not be erotic. 
It will start having the flavor of spirituality.
It will start having the subtleness of grace, not the grossness of sexuality.
Sex is gross because it is the lowest rung of your ladder.
As energies move upwards a totally different kind of beauty and grace arises in you, which is divine. 
You become less and less of the body and more and more of the spirit.

If you do this simple method for three months, you will be surprised:
there is no need to repress. 
Transformation has started happening.

At another Occasion Osho described
the Golden Light Meditation in a different way:

Before you go to sleep in the night, just lie down,
turn the lights off, lie down under your blanket,
and feel your body is dying. 
Start from the toes and feel that they are dying and move slowly upwards:
the legs are dying, the thighs are dying; go on moving upwards and let the whole body die.
It will take at least five to seven minutes; 
slowly slowly you come to the head and all is dead.
When you feel that all is dead, finished, that the body is a corpse,
then do a small meditation which will be of immense help.

Start feeling that great light is entering from the head, golden light
-- as if suddenly a sun has risen and it is pouring all its gold into you.
It is going in, going in, going in... 
the whole body has become a hollow bamboo and the light is falling in 
and passing through like a flood, and it goes out from the toes. 
For five minutes let this happen, then after five minutes --
just approximately, you need not look at the watch, 
just approximately -- after five minutes change the whole process.

Now start thinking of a dark energy, negative --
like a dark night with not a single star in it, 
a dark energy flow entering from the toes, moving upwards, 
filling the whole bamboo, the hollow body, and going out from the head.
Five minutes of that, and then go to sleep.

This will synchronize the positive and negative energy inside your body. 
It will synchronize your man and woman inside the body,
your yin and yang, your day and night, your life and death.
First life, the golden light, then death, the darkness... 
and enjoy both, because both are beautiful.
This for five and the first part for five minutes, and seven minutes first to have the body absolutely dead so it creates no hindrance.
This passing of the golden light and the darkness will help tremendously.

More Meditations here:

8 Techniques given by Osho

Tantric Meditations

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
112 techniques of meditation

"Remembering the Union"

Heart Meditation

Atisha's Riding the Breath

TaoTantra Meditation

Golden Flower Meditation


3 simple steps to knowing oneself


full moon meditation

Osho on Meditation Questions

  1. What it is to Live Rightly?
  2. How can the Cosmic be Achieved?
  3. Why should silence be threatening?
  4. At what point can catharsis be dropped
  5. What is the secret- how to enjoy suffering?
  6. Osho, how can I become a light unto myself?
  7. Why is Love so Essential for Spiritual Growth?
  8. Waiting is important, necessary, but not enough
  9. How can we put total effort and yet be Effortless
  10. Are there any techniques to de-condition our brain.
  11. What is the Best way to Encourage People in Meditation?
  12. Can you please talk about pain and our identification with it?
  13. Real meditation is just allowing the mind to have its own way
  14. How can I know If Detachment or Indifference is Growing within?
  15. How much Patience is needed? is there really nothing we can do?
  16. Is awareness enough to prevent the absorption of negative energy?
  17. Ecstasy or blissfulness are all toys to allure you towards meditation.
  18. How do I know if my sexual energy is transformed or just repressed?
  19. How long it takes to let the benefit of a new meditation method settle?
  20. Silence is overwhelming; all noise is yours. Silence belongs to existence
  21. Is it really possible to grow and flower in the harsh environment of the West?
  22. How to deal with Dragons and Monsters coming out from the Unconscious Mind?
  23. What are the difficulties on the path of meditation and how can they be overcome.
  24. Relaxation, utter relaxation with no focusing of consciousness is real watchfulness.
  25. When I watch the desires and needs of the mind, I come to a space that  looks like madness.
  26. What is the difference in single-pointedness, being total, spacing out, work, and worship?
  27. How can we watch something that is such an intrinsic part of our biology (Menstruation)?
  28. Self- Remembering seems easier for me than witnessing. Do they both lead to the same Goal?
  29. Should one complete one’s worldly trips, Rather than dropping them in the name of spirituality?
  30. Expectation from Meditation - Meditation experiences not happening as per the Expectation
  31. How do reach the state of blessedness when the mind is empty of Chatter, defenses, plans and games.

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