Mere tho giridhar gopal doosro na koi,
Jaake sar mor mukut mero pati soi,
taat maat brat bandhu aapno na koi,
chaandi lai kul ki kaani kaha karilai koi,
Santan dhing baiti bhaiti lok laaj khoi,
Chunari ke kini took audh linhi loi,
Moti moonge uthar banmala poi,
Asuvan jal seenchi seenchi prem beli boi,
Ab tho bel pheli gayi aanand phal hoi,
dood ki mathaniya bade prem se biloi,
maakhan jab khadiliyo chaach piye koi,
Bhakt dekh raaji hui jagat dekhi roi,
Daasi meera laal giridhar taro ab mohi."
Mere tho giridhar gopal doosro na koi
There is none other than Giridhar Gopal for me
Jaake sar mor mukut mero pati soi
Who wears the peacock feather on his turban, my husband
taat maat brat bandhu aapno na koi
taat maat brat bandhu aapno na koi
All other relationships like father, mother, brother, friends,
none for me (but my husband, Giridhar Gopal)
chaandi lai kul ki kaani kaha karilai koi
.......? What can anyone do about it
Santan dhing baiti bhaiti lok laaj khoi
The wise .... sit in bliss lost to all worldly ways
Chunari ke kini took audh linhi loi
I want not my scarf, but you
Moti moonge uthar banmala poi
Moti moonge uthar banmala poi
Nor the pearl and coral necklace but your garland of wild flowers
Asuvan jal seenchi seenchi prem beli boi
The waters of my tears weave a wreath of love
Ab tho bel pheli gayi aanand phal hoi
Now that wreath has borne the fruit of joy
dood ki mathaniya bade prem se biloi
Churning the milk with love
maakhan jab khadiliyo chaach piye koi
You do get the butter and someone else gets to drink the buttermilk
Bhakt dekh raaji hui jagat dekhi roi
The devotee sees this and is willing while the world is upset
Daasi meera laal giridhar taro ab mohi
Your servant, Meera, oh beloved Giridhar, you are MINE, now!!!
Meera weighed her Giridhar against rest of the world and found the world was not just insignificant but completely void without him! She offered herself at his lotus feet.
In Bhagvat Puran (Canto 11, chapter 14, text 14,15,16), the Lord says: "who surrender to me unconditionally without even a tinge of desire but to please me, are most dear to me. I take the dust of their lotus feet on my head to purify myself and follow their footsteps". Such is the love between the Lord and his devotees.
Mere tho giridhar gopal doosro na koi
Nothing is really mine except Krishna.
O my parents, I have searched the world
And found nothing worthy of love.
Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk
And an exile from their company,
Since I seek the companionship of holy men;
There alone do I feel happy,
In the world I only weep.
I planted the creeper of love
And silently watered it with my tears;
Now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.
You offered me a cup of poison
Which I drank with joy.
Mira is absorbed in contemplation of Krishna,
She is with God and all is well
Mine is Gopal, the Mountain-Holder; there is no one else.
On his head he wears the peacock-crown: He alone is my husband.
Father, mother, brother, relative: I have none to call my own.
I've forsaken both God, and the family's honor: what should I do?
I've sat near the holy ones, and I've lost shame before the people.
I've torn my scarf into shreds; I'm all wrapped up in a blanket.
I took off my finery of pearls and coral, and strung a garland of wildwood flowers.
With my tears, I watered the creeper of love that I planted;
Now the creeper has grown spread all over, and borne the fruit of bliss.
The churner of the milk churned with great love.
When I took out the butter, no need to drink any buttermilk.
I came for the sake of love-devotion; seeing the world, I wept.
Mira is the maidservant of the Mountain-Holder: now with love He takes me across to the further shore.
Nothing is really mine except Krishna.
O my parents, I have searched the world
And found nothing worthy of love.
Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk
And an exile from their company,
Since I seek the companionship of holy men;
There alone do I feel happy,
In the world I only weep.
I planted the creeper of love
And silently watered it with my tears;
Now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.
You offered me a cup of poison
Which I drank with joy.
Mira is absorbed in contemplation of Krishna,
She is with God and all is well!
- Mirabai
Woman saints
Meera weighed her Giridhar against rest of the world and found the world was not just insignificant but completely void without him! She offered herself at his lotus feet.
In Bhagvat Puran (Canto 11, chapter 14, text 14,15,16), the Lord says: "who surrender to me unconditionally without even a tinge of desire but to please me, are most dear to me. I take the dust of their lotus feet on my head to purify myself and follow their footsteps". Such is the love between the Lord and his devotees.
Mere tho giridhar gopal doosro na koi
Nothing is really mine except Krishna.
O my parents, I have searched the world
And found nothing worthy of love.
Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk
And an exile from their company,
Since I seek the companionship of holy men;
There alone do I feel happy,
In the world I only weep.
I planted the creeper of love
And silently watered it with my tears;
Now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.
You offered me a cup of poison
Which I drank with joy.
Mira is absorbed in contemplation of Krishna,
She is with God and all is well
Mine is Gopal, the Mountain-Holder; there is no one else.
On his head he wears the peacock-crown: He alone is my husband.
Father, mother, brother, relative: I have none to call my own.
I've forsaken both God, and the family's honor: what should I do?
I've sat near the holy ones, and I've lost shame before the people.
I've torn my scarf into shreds; I'm all wrapped up in a blanket.
I took off my finery of pearls and coral, and strung a garland of wildwood flowers.
With my tears, I watered the creeper of love that I planted;
Now the creeper has grown spread all over, and borne the fruit of bliss.
The churner of the milk churned with great love.
When I took out the butter, no need to drink any buttermilk.
I came for the sake of love-devotion; seeing the world, I wept.
Mira is the maidservant of the Mountain-Holder: now with love He takes me across to the further shore.
Nothing is really mine except Krishna.
O my parents, I have searched the world
And found nothing worthy of love.
Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk
And an exile from their company,
Since I seek the companionship of holy men;
There alone do I feel happy,
In the world I only weep.
I planted the creeper of love
And silently watered it with my tears;
Now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.
You offered me a cup of poison
Which I drank with joy.
Mira is absorbed in contemplation of Krishna,
She is with God and all is well!
- Mirabai
Woman saints
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