Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ramana Maharshi - Upadesa Saram

* When the enquiry, “What is the thinking mind?” occurs, the thinking mind

understands intuitively that it has no free will and stops thinking itself to be

the doer and gives way to the feeling of ‘I AM.’ This is the Direct path.

* In the ordinary man when a thought occurs the ego takes delivery of it as
‘my thought’ and gets involved. The thinking mind is nothing but the ego
identifying with a thought and getting involved. In the enlightened Sage, when a
thought arises, witnessing happens and involvement with the thought does not take
place. Ramana Maharshi says, “The Sage has no thinking mind and therefore there
are no ‘others’ for him.”

* When one enquires, “Where has the ‘me’ come from?” it will vanish into
Consciousness revealing the truth that the ‘me’ has really come from Totality as
part of the Divine Hypnosis. Consciousness has created the ego and Consciousness
will annihilate the ego by initiating the process of Self-enquiry.

* When we accept that Universal will prevails all the time and not the individual
will, the ‘me’ as the doer gets smaller and smaller till it gets completely merged
in Consciousness.

* When the sense of personal doership disappears with the total acceptance
that “All there is, is Consciousness,” the thinking mind ceases to exist during
the waking hours as in deep sleep. What remains is the light of pure
Consciousness, the indestructible ‘I AM.’

Sri Ramana Maharshi - Upadesa Saram

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