Thursday, May 24, 2012

  •  No person can ever be enlightened. A person means it is a limited identification that you have created for yourself.
  • Only because we have not realized the immensity of what it means to be human, we are constantly talking about gods that we have not seen.
  • If only you go through difficult times with an inner grace, you could see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives.
  • One should use information and logic like a drunkard would use a lamp post – only for support, not for illumination.
  • Thinking is not intelligence. Thinking is just intellect. Being spiritual means to rise beyond the mediocre. It is the most intelligent way to exist.
  • The unfortunate reality in the world is, most people will know peace only with death.  It is time that you do something about it in life.
  • When you shake off all the influences of external circumstances, you are naturally spiritual.
  • If you are truly blissful, you will begin to experience whatever is within the boundaries of your sensation as a part of yourself.
  • Physically, mentally, we all may be different. But, spiritually, all of us are equally capable. All of us carry the same possibility within us.
  • The fundamental root of stress is your identification with the physical, and your instinct of survival.
  • You are seeing the infinite, but unconsciously through physical means. The physical can never become infinite.
  • Just taking care of survival process – to eat, sleep, reproduce and die one day – you don’t have to come with this kind of body and intelligence.
  • Yoga means your experience of life has become such that you experience everything as one, or yourself. (Empty of the nature of duality)
  • If you become meditative, to be peaceful and blissful by your own nature becomes natural for you.
  • Meditation is not a technique, it is a certain quality. It is a certain way of being.
  • Love is a longing to include something as a part of yourself. Love is a possibility where you could become more than what you are, by inclusion.
  • Death is a fiction. There is just life, life, and life alone; moving from one dimension to another, another dimension to another.


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